Submitted as: development and technical paper
04 Aug 2017
Submitted as: development and technical paper |  | 04 Aug 2017
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal GMD but the revision was not accepted.

Importance of the advection scheme for the simulation of water isotopes over Antarctica by general circulation models: a case study with LMDZ-iso (LMDZ5a revision 1750)

Alexandre Cauquoin and Camille Risi

Abstract. Atmospheric general circulation models (AGCMs) are known to have a warm and isotopically enriched bias over Antarctica. We test here the hypothesis that these biases are consequences of a too diffusive advection. Using the LMDZ-iso model, we show that a good representation of the advection, especially on the horizontal, is very important to reduce the bias in the isotopic contents of precipitation above this area and to improve the modelled water isotopes – temperature relationship. A good advection scheme is thus essential when using GCMs for paleoclimate applications based on polar water isotopes.

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Alexandre Cauquoin and Camille Risi
Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Alexandre Cauquoin and Camille Risi
Alexandre Cauquoin and Camille Risi


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Short summary
AGCMs are known to have a warm and isotopically enriched bias over Antarctica. We test here the hypothesis that these biases are consequences of a too diffusive advection. We show here that a good representation of the advection, especially on the horizontal, is very important to reduce the bias in the isotopic contents of precipitation above this area and to improve the modelled water isotopes – temperature relationship, essential when using GCMs for paleoclimate applications.