Submitted as: model experiment description paper
09 Mar 2015
Submitted as: model experiment description paper |  | 09 Mar 2015
Status: this preprint was under review for the journal GMD but the revision was not accepted.

Matching soil grid unit resolutions with polygon unit scales for DNDC modelling of regional SOC pool

H. D. Zhang, D. S. Yu, Y. L. Ni, L. M. Zhang, and X. Z. Shi

Abstract. Matching soil grid unit resolution with polygon unit map scale is important to minimize uncertainty of regional soil organic carbon (SOC) pool simulation as their strong influences on the uncertainty. A series of soil grid units at varying cell sizes were derived from soil polygon units at the six map scales of 1:50 000 (C5), 1:200 000 (D2), 1:500 000 (P5), 1:1 000 000 (N1), 1:4 000 000 (N4) and 1:14 000 000 (N14), respectively, in the Tai lake region of China. Both format soil units were used for regional SOC pool simulation with DeNitrification–DeComposition (DNDC) process-based model, which runs span the time period 1982 to 2000 at the six map scales, respectively. Four indices, soil type number (STN) and area (AREA), average SOC density (ASOCD) and total SOC stocks (SOCS) of surface paddy soils simulated with the DNDC, were attributed from all these soil polygon and grid units, respectively. Subjecting to the four index values (IV) from the parent polygon units, the variation of an index value (VIV, %) from the grid units was used to assess its dataset accuracy and redundancy, which reflects uncertainty in the simulation of SOC. Optimal soil grid unit resolutions were generated and suggested for the DNDC simulation of regional SOC pool, matching with soil polygon units map scales, respectively. With the optimal raster resolution the soil grid units dataset can hold the same accuracy as its parent polygon units dataset without any redundancy, when VIV < 1% of all the four indices was assumed as criteria to the assessment. An quadratic curve regression model y = −8.0 × 10−6x2 + 0.228x + 0.211 (R2 = 0.9994, p < 0.05) was revealed, which describes the relationship between optimal soil grid unit resolution (y, km) and soil polygon unit map scale (1:x). The knowledge may serve for grid partitioning of regions focused on the investigation and simulation of SOC pool dynamics at certain map scale.

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H. D. Zhang, D. S. Yu, Y. L. Ni, L. M. Zhang, and X. Z. Shi
Status: closed
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AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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Status: closed
Status: closed
AC: Author comment | RC: Referee comment | SC: Short comment | EC: Editor comment
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H. D. Zhang, D. S. Yu, Y. L. Ni, L. M. Zhang, and X. Z. Shi
H. D. Zhang, D. S. Yu, Y. L. Ni, L. M. Zhang, and X. Z. Shi


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Short summary
Matching soil grid unit resolution with polygon unit map scale is important to minimize uncertainty of regional soil organic carbon (SOC) pool simulation by DeNitrification–DeComposition (DNDC) process-based model as their strong influences on the uncertainty. A series of soil grid units at varying cell sizes were derived from soil polygon units. Both format soil units were used for regional SOC pool simulation with DNDC model, to determine an optimal raster resolution of grid simulation units.