Profiling the atmospheric boundary layer at a European scale (AMT/GMD inter-journal SI)(AMT/GMD inter-journal SI)
Profiling the atmospheric boundary layer at a European scale (AMT/GMD inter-journal SI)(AMT/GMD inter-journal SI)
Editor(s): GMD topic editors | Coordinator: Leena Järvi Special issue jointly organized between Atmospheric Measurement Techniques and Geoscientific Model Development
The special issue has the goal of collecting original publications addressing profiles of the atmospheric boundary layer from a variety of perspectives. Aligned with the objectives of the EU COST action PROBE (, topics include both observational aspects (latest technological sensor developments, quality control and retrieval methods, calibration, implementation of harmonised monitoring networks, measurement campaigns, instrument synergy, combination with satellite data) and the exploitation of the profile observations (process understanding, model development and assessment, data assimilation) for a wide range of applications (including meteorology and climate, air quality, renewable energy, radio propagation).

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22 Oct 2024
ALICENET – an Italian network of automated lidar ceilometers for four-dimensional aerosol monitoring: infrastructure, data processing, and applications
Annachiara Bellini, Henri Diémoz, Luca Di Liberto, Gian Paolo Gobbi, Alessandro Bracci, Ferdinando Pasqualini, and Francesca Barnaba
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 6119–6144,,, 2024
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17 May 2024
Deep-Pathfinder: a boundary layer height detection algorithm based on image segmentation
Jasper S. Wijnands, Arnoud Apituley, Diego Alves Gouveia, and Jan Willem Noteboom
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 3029–3045,,, 2024
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05 Apr 2024
Observations of Tall-Building Wakes Using a Scanning Doppler Lidar
Natalie E. Theeuwes, Janet F. Barlow, Antti Mannisenaho, Denise Hertwig, Ewan O'Connor, and Alan Robins
EGUsphere,,, 2024
Revised manuscript accepted for AMT (discussion: final response, 5 comments)
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12 Mar 2024
PyRTlib: an educational Python-based library for non-scattering atmospheric microwave radiative transfer computations
Salvatore Larosa, Domenico Cimini, Donatello Gallucci, Saverio Teodosio Nilo, and Filomena Romano
Geosci. Model Dev., 17, 2053–2076,,, 2024
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15 Jan 2024
Measurement uncertainties of scanning microwave radiometers and their influence on temperature profiling
Tobias Böck, Bernhard Pospichal, and Ulrich Löhnert
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 17, 219–233,,, 2024
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20 Oct 2023
Effect of land–sea air mass transport on spatiotemporal distributions of atmospheric CO2 and CH4 mixing ratios over the southern Yellow Sea
Jiaxin Li, Kunpeng Zang, Yi Lin, Yuanyuan Chen, Shuo Liu, Shanshan Qiu, Kai Jiang, Xuemei Qing, Haoyu Xiong, Haixiang Hong, Shuangxi Fang, Honghui Xu, and Yujun Jiang
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 4757–4768,,, 2023
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20 Sep 2023
Comparison between ground-based remote sensing observations and NWP model profiles in complex topography: the Meiringen campaign
Alexandre Bugnard, Martine Collaud Coen, Maxime Hervo, Daniel Leuenberger, Marco Arpagaus, and Samuel Monhart
EGUsphere,,, 2023
Preprint under review for AMT (discussion: final response, 4 comments)
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26 Jan 2023
| Highlight paper
Atmospheric boundary layer height from ground-based remote sensing: a review of capabilities and limitations
Simone Kotthaus, Juan Antonio Bravo-Aranda, Martine Collaud Coen, Juan Luis Guerrero-Rascado, Maria João Costa, Domenico Cimini, Ewan J. O'Connor, Maxime Hervo, Lucas Alados-Arboledas, María Jiménez-Portaz, Lucia Mona, Dominique Ruffieux, Anthony Illingworth, and Martial Haeffelin
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 16, 433–479,,, 2023
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26 Sep 2022
An optimal estimation algorithm for the retrieval of fog and low cloud thermodynamic and micro-physical properties
Alistair Bell, Pauline Martinet, Olivier Caumont, Frédéric Burnet, Julien Delanoë, Susana Jorquera, Yann Seity, and Vinciane Unger
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 5415–5438,,, 2022
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30 May 2022
A new scanning scheme and flexible retrieval for mean winds and gusts from Doppler lidar measurements
Julian Steinheuer, Carola Detring, Frank Beyrich, Ulrich Löhnert, Petra Friederichs, and Stephanie Fiedler
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 15, 3243–3260,,, 2022
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17 Dec 2021
PARAFOG v2.0: a near-real-time decision tool to support nowcasting fog formation events at local scales
Jean-François Ribaud, Martial Haeffelin, Jean-Charles Dupont, Marc-Antoine Drouin, Felipe Toledo, and Simone Kotthaus
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 7893–7907,,, 2021
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26 Apr 2021
Ground-based temperature and humidity profiling: combining active and passive remote sensors
David D. Turner and Ulrich Löhnert
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 3033–3048,,, 2021
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08 Apr 2021
Improving atmospheric path attenuation estimates for radio propagation applications by microwave radiometric profiling
Ayham Alyosef, Domenico Cimini, Lorenzo Luini, Carlo Riva, Frank S. Marzano, Marianna Biscarini, Luca Milani, Antonio Martellucci, Sabrina Gentile, Saverio T. Nilo, Francesco Di Paola, Ayman Alkhateeb, and Filomena Romano
Atmos. Meas. Tech., 14, 2737–2748,,, 2021
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