Submitted as: methods for assessment of models
04 Sep 2024
Submitted as: methods for assessment of models |  | 04 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

Cell tracking -based framework for assessing nowcasting model skill in reproducing growth and decay of convective rainfall

Jenna Ritvanen, Seppo Pulkkinen, Dmitri Moisseev, and Daniele Nerini

Abstract. The rapid temporal evolution of convective rainfall poses a challenge for rainfall nowcasting models. With the growing potential of machine learning models for precipitation nowcasting to produce realistic-looking nowcasts for long lead times, it is important to investigate whether the nowcasts also produce realistic development for convective rainfall. Common verification metrics traditionally used to validate nowcasting models are often dominated by large-scale stratiform rainfall, and averaging the metrics across entire precipitation fields obscures how accurately the models replicate individual convective cells, which makes it difficult to distinguish the model skill for the growth and decay of convective rainfall. In this study, we present a convective cell tracking-based framework to investigate how accurately nowcasting models reproduce the development of convective rainfall. The framework consists of first identifying and tracking the convective cells in the input observation rainfall fields, and then identifying and tracking the cells separately in the target observations and the nowcast rainfall fields by continuing the cell tracks identified in the observations. Features describing the cells and cell tracks, such as the cell volume rain rate and area, are then extracted. In addition to the errors in these feature values, the models’ skill in reproducing the existence of convective cells is estimated by calculating several contingency-table metrics, such as the Critical Success Index. The results allow the analysis of how accurately the models reproduce the growth and decay of convective rainfall and quantify the differences between the models, for example, due to differences in how the models smooth the nowcasts, i.e., blurring. The framework also allows differentiation of the results based on the initial conditions of the cell tracks, demonstrated here by separating the tracks into decaying or growing cell tracks based on the cell status when the nowcast is created. The framework is demonstrated using four open-source advection-based models: the advection nowcast, S-PROG, and LINDA implemented in the pysteps library, and L-CNN, with data from the Swiss radar network. The results indicate that the L-CNN model reproduced the existence of convective cells best among the models and had smaller errors in the cell volume rain rate than LINDA and S-PROG. LINDA had the smallest underestimation in the cell mean rain rate, whereas S-PROG significantly overestimated the cell volume rain rate and area because of blurring.

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Jenna Ritvanen, Seppo Pulkkinen, Dmitri Moisseev, and Daniele Nerini

Status: open (until 30 Oct 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Jenna Ritvanen, Seppo Pulkkinen, Dmitri Moisseev, and Daniele Nerini

Data sets

Data for the manuscript the manuscript "Cell tracking -based frame- work for assessing nowcasting model skill in reproducing growth and decay of convective rainfall" by Ritvanen et al. J. Ritvanen et al.

Results for the manuscript "Cell tracking -based framework for assessing now- casting model skill in reproducing growth and decay of convective rainfall" by Ritvanen et al. J. Ritvanen et al.

Model code and software

Cell tracking -based verification framework for nowcasts J. Ritvanen

pysteps: T-DaTing algorithm with splits & merges D. Nerini et al.

Jenna Ritvanen, Seppo Pulkkinen, Dmitri Moisseev, and Daniele Nerini


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Short summary
Nowcasting models struggle with the rapid evolution of heavy rain, and common verification methods are unable to describe how accurately the models predict the growth and decay of heavy rainfall. We propose a framework to assess model performance. In the framework, convective cells are identified and tracked in the forecasts and observations, and then the model skill is evaluated by comparing differences between forecast and observed cells. We demonstrate the framework with 4 open-source models.