Submitted as: development and technical paper
03 Apr 2024
Submitted as: development and technical paper |  | 03 Apr 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

Quantifying the role of ozone-caused damage to vegetation in the Earth system: A new parameterization scheme for photosynthetic and stomatal responses

Fang Li, Zhimin Zhou, Samuel Levis, Stephen Sitch, Felicity Hayes, Zhaozhong Feng, Peter Reich, Zhiyi Zhao, and Yanqing Zhou

Abstract. Surface ozone (O3) is the primary air pollutant threatening global vegetation. It typically reduces photosynthetic rate and stomatal conductance, leading to changes in carbon, water, and energy cycles, vegetation structure and composition, and climate. Several parameterization schemes have been developed to integrate the photosynthetic and stomatal responses to O3 exposure in regional and global process-based models to simulate time- and space-varying O3 plant damage and its cascading dynamic influence. However, these schemes are calibrated based on limited observations and often fail to reproduce the response relationships in observations, impeding accurate assessments of the role of O3 plant damage in the Earth system. This study proposes a new parameterization scheme to utilize the extensive observations from O3 fumigation experiments to inform large-scale modeling. It is built on 4210 paired data points of photosynthetic and stomatal responses compiled from peer-reviewed literature, over six times larger than those employed in earlier schemes. Functions of phytotoxic O3 dose (POD) are found to accurately reproduce the statistically significant linear or nonlinear relationships observed between POD and either relative leaf photosynthetic rate or relative stomatal conductance for needleleaf trees, broadleaf trees, shrubs, grasses, and crops. These eliminate the practice in earlier schemes of setting response functions as constants and applying the response function from one vegetation type to another. It outperforms the old scheme in the Community Land Model (CLM) which skillfully reproduces the observed response for crop photosynthetic rate only. The nonlinear response functions we developed depict decreasing plant sensitivity with increases in POD, enabling models to implicitly capture the variability in plant ozone tolerance and the shift among plant species for both intra- and inter-PFT within a vegetation type observed in the real world. Then, the new scheme is incorporated into the Community Earth System Model version 2.2 (CESM2.2), specifically its land component CLM5, to quantify the global impacts of present-day O3 plant damage by comparing the simulations with and without O3 plant damage. Results show that O3 exposure reduces the global leaf photosynthetic rate by 8.5 % and stomatal conductance by 7.4 %, around half the estimates using the old scheme. Furthermore, the new scheme improves global GPP simulations, decreasing RMSE by 11.1 % relative to simulations without O3 plant damage and by 11.7 % compared against the old scheme. These results underscore the importance of including O3 plant damage in large-scale process-based models and the effectiveness of the new scheme in global assessing and projecting the role of O3 plant damage in the Earth system.

Fang Li, Zhimin Zhou, Samuel Levis, Stephen Sitch, Felicity Hayes, Zhaozhong Feng, Peter Reich, Zhiyi Zhao, and Yanqing Zhou

Status: open (until 29 May 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
Fang Li, Zhimin Zhou, Samuel Levis, Stephen Sitch, Felicity Hayes, Zhaozhong Feng, Peter Reich, Zhiyi Zhao, and Yanqing Zhou
Fang Li, Zhimin Zhou, Samuel Levis, Stephen Sitch, Felicity Hayes, Zhaozhong Feng, Peter Reich, Zhiyi Zhao, and Yanqing Zhou


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Short summary
This study introduces a new scheme to simulate surface ozone damage to vegetation in regional and global process-based models. Based on 4210 data points from ozone experiments, it accurately reproduces statistically significant linear or nonlinear photosynthetic and stomatal response to ozone in observations for all vegetation types. It also enables models to implicitly capture the variability in plant ozone tolerance and the shift among species within a vegetation type.