Submitted as: model description paper
10 Oct 2024
Submitted as: model description paper |  | 10 Oct 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

NMP-Hydro 1.0: a C# language and Windows System based Ecohydrological Model Derived from Noah-MP

Yong-He Liu and Zong-Liang Yang

Abstract. The community Noah with multi-parameterization options (Noah-MP) land surface model (LSM) that is widely used in studies from uncoupled land surface hydrometeorology and ecohydrology to coupled weather and climate predictions. In this study, we developed NMP-Hydro, a hydrological model written in CSharp(C#). NMP-Hydro was developed by faithfully translating the FORTRAN version Noah-MP from the uncoupled WRF-Hydro 3.0, and was coupled with a river routing model. NMP-Hydro exhibits the capacity of parallel execution on Windows systems, utilizing the multi-core CPUs commonly available in today's personal computers. The code of NMP-Hydro has been rigorously tested to ensure that it produces a high-degree of consistency with the simulation output of the original WRF-Hydro. High-resolution (6 km) simulations were conducted and assessed over a grid domain covering the entire Yellow River Basin and the most part of North China. The spatial maps and temporal variations of many state variables simulated by NMP-Hydro and WRF-Hydro/Noah-MP demonstrate consistent results, with occasionally minor discrepancies. The river discharge for the Yellow River under various scheme combinations of six Noah-MP parameterizations exhibits general close agreement with the natural river discharge at the Lanzhou station. NMP-Hydro can be regarded as a reliable replica of Noah-MP in WRF-Hydro 3.0, but it can leverage the modern, powerful, and user-friendly features brought by the C # language to significantly improve the efficiency of the model users and developers.

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Yong-He Liu and Zong-Liang Yang

Status: open (until 05 Dec 2024)

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Yong-He Liu and Zong-Liang Yang
Yong-He Liu and Zong-Liang Yang


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Short summary
We present a new hydrological model based on the popular Noah-MP. It was developed by translating the FORTRAN version of Noah-MP to C# code. A river routing model was integrated. It can run in parallel on Windows systems using today's PCs. The NMP-Hydro code has been tested to ensure it produces the same results as the original WRF-Hydro. Maps and changes in variables show consistent results with the original model. We think it is a reliable replacement for Noah-MP in WRF-Hydro 3.0.