Submitted as: development and technical paper
19 Aug 2024
Submitted as: development and technical paper |  | 19 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

Numerical investigations on the modelling of ultrafine particles in SSH-aerosol-v1.3a: size resolution and redistribution

Oscar Jacquot and Karine Sartelet

Abstract. As the health impact of ultrafine particles is getting better understood, modelling the size distribution and the number concentration with chemistry transport models becomes an increasingly important matter. The number concentrations is strongly affected by processes linked to aerosol dynamics: coagulation, condensation and gas/particle phase partitioning, nucleation. Coagulation is usually solved using an Eulerian approach, using a fixed diameter size discretization. In opposition, condensation/evaporation is rather solved using a Lagrangian approach, requiring redistribution of particles on the fixed grid size. Here, a new analytic formulation is presented to compute efficiently coagulation partition coefficients, allowing to dynamically adjust the discretization of the coagulation operator to the Lagrangian size mesh evolution, and therefore solve all the processes linked to aerosol dynamics with a Lagrangian approach, avoiding the redistribution on the fixed size grid. This new approach has the advantage of reducing the numerical diffusion introduced by condensation. The significance of these effects on number concentrations is assessed over Greater Paris with the chemistry transport model Polyphemus/Polair3D coupled to the aerosol model SSH-aerosol, using different size resolution of the particle distribution.

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Oscar Jacquot and Karine Sartelet

Status: open (until 31 Oct 2024)

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Oscar Jacquot and Karine Sartelet
Oscar Jacquot and Karine Sartelet


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Short summary
As the health impact of ultrafine particles is better understood, modeling the size distribution and the number concentration becomes increasingly important. A new analytic formulation is presented to compute coagulation partition coefficients, allowing to lower down the numerical diffusion associated to the resolution of aerosol dynamics. The significance of this effect is assessed over Greater Paris with a chemistry transport model, using different size resolution of the particle distribution.