Submitted as: development and technical paper
05 Sep 2024
Submitted as: development and technical paper |  | 05 Sep 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

A non-intrusive, multi-scale, and flexible coupling interface in WRF

Sébastien Masson, Swen Jullien, Eric Maisonnave, David Gill, Guillaume Samson, Mathieu Le Corre, and Lionel Renault

Abstract. The Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF) model has been widely used for various applications, especially for solving mesoscale atmospheric dynamics. Its high-order numerical schemes and nesting capability enable high spatial resolution. However, a growing number of applications are demanding more realistic simulations through the incorporation of coupling with new model compartments and an increase in the complexity of the processes considered in the model. (e.g., ocean, surface gravity wave, land-surface, chemistry...). The present paper details the development and the functionalities of the coupling interface we implemented in WRF. It uses the Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea-Ice-Soil – Model Coupling Toolkit (OASIS3-MCT) coupler, which has the advantage of being non-intrusive, efficient, and very flexible to use. OASIS3-MCT has already been implemented in many climate and regional models. This coupling interface is designed with the following baselines: (1) it is structured with a 2-level design through 2 modules: a general coupling module, and a coupler-specific module, allowing to easily add other couplers if required, (2) variables exchange, coupling frequency, and any potential time and grid transformations are controlled through an external text file, offering great flexibility, (3) the concepts of “external domains” and “coupling mask” are introduced to facilitate the exchange of fields to/from multiple sources (different models, fields from different models/grids/zooms...). Finally, two examples of applications of ocean-atmosphere coupling are proposed. The first is related to the impact of ocean surface current feedback to the atmospheric boundary layer, and the second concerns the coupling of surface gravity waves with the atmospheric surface layer.

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Sébastien Masson, Swen Jullien, Eric Maisonnave, David Gill, Guillaume Samson, Mathieu Le Corre, and Lionel Renault

Status: open (until 31 Oct 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • RC1: 'Comment on gmd-2024-140', Anonymous Referee #1, 28 Sep 2024 reply
Sébastien Masson, Swen Jullien, Eric Maisonnave, David Gill, Guillaume Samson, Mathieu Le Corre, and Lionel Renault
Sébastien Masson, Swen Jullien, Eric Maisonnave, David Gill, Guillaume Samson, Mathieu Le Corre, and Lionel Renault


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Short summary
This article details a new feature we implemented in the most popular regional atmospheric model (WRF). This feature allows data to be exchanged between WRF and any other model (e.g. an ocean model) using the coupling library Ocean-Atmosphere-Sea-Ice-Soil – Model Coupling Toolkit (OASIS3-MCT). This coupling interface is designed to be non-intrusive, flexible and modular. It also offers the possibility of taking into account the nested zooms used in WRF or in the models with which it is coupled.