Submitted as: model description paper
22 Aug 2024
Submitted as: model description paper |  | 22 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

PIBM 1.0: An individual-based model for simulating phytoplankton acclimation, diversity, and evolution in the ocean

Iria Sala and Bingzhang Chen

Abstract. Phytoplankton is a diverse group of photosynthetic organisms and accounts for almost half of global primary production. However, most existing marine ecosystem models incorporate limited phytoplankton diversity, overlook phytoplankton evolution, and treat phytoplankton as concentrations instead of particles. Here we present an individual-based phytoplankton model that captures three dimensions of phytoplankton traits (size, temperature, and light affinities) and allows phytoplankton cells to mutate in a one-dimensional (1D) water column. Other components of this ecosystem include dissolved inorganic nitrogen, twenty size classes of zooplankton, and detritus, all modelled as Eulerian fields. This hybrid plankton model can reproduce the general seasonal patterns of nutrients, chlorophyll, and primary production in the subtropical ocean. We expect that this model will be a useful tool for studying phytoplankton physiology, diversity and evolution in the ocean.

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Iria Sala and Bingzhang Chen

Status: open (until 30 Oct 2024)

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Iria Sala and Bingzhang Chen

Model code and software

PIBM 1.0.2 code Bingzhang Chen and Iria Sala

Iria Sala and Bingzhang Chen


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Short summary
Phytoplankton, tiny photosynthetic organisms, produce nearly half of Earth's oxygen. To analyze their physiology, diversity, and evolution in the ocean, we developed a model that treats phytoplankton as individual particles. Moreover, our model considers phytoplankton size, temperature, and light traits, and allows for mutations in phytoplankton cells. Thus, our model provides a valuable tool for advancing the study of phytoplankton physiology, diversity, and evolution.