Submitted as: model description paper
22 Aug 2024
Submitted as: model description paper |  | 22 Aug 2024
Status: this preprint is currently under review for the journal GMD.

Presentation, Calibration and Testing of the DCESS II Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity (version 1.0)

Esteban Fernández and Gary Shaffer

Abstract. A new, Earth System Model of Intermediate Complexity, DCESS II, is presented that builds upon, improves and extends the Danish Center for Earth System Science (DCESS) Earth System model (DCESS I). DCESS II has considerably greater spatial resolution than DCESS I while retaining the fine, 100 m vertical resolution in the ocean. It contains modules for the atmosphere, ocean, ocean sediment, land biosphere and lithosphere and is designed to deal with global change simulations on scales of years to millions of years while using limited computational resources. Tracers of the atmospheric module are temperature, nitrous oxide, methane (12,13C isotopes), carbon dioxide (12,13,14C isotopes) and atmospheric oxygen. For the ocean module, tracers are conservative temperature, absolute salinity, water 18O, phosphate, dissolved inorganic carbon (12,13,14C isotopes), alkalinity and dissolved oxygen. Furthermore, the ocean module considers simplified dynamical schemes for large-scale meridional circulation and sea-ice dynamics, stratification-dependent vertical diffusion, a gravity current approach to the formation of Antarctic Bottom Water and improvements in ocean biogeochemistry. DCESS II has two hemispheres with six zonal-averaged atmospheric boxes and twelve ocean boxes distributed across the Indian-Pacific, the Atlantic, the Arctic and the Southern Oceans. A new, extended land biosphere scheme is implemented that considers three different vegetation types whereby net primary production depends on sunlight and atmospheric carbon dioxide. The ocean sediment and lithosphere model formulations are adopted from DCESS I but now applied to the multiple ocean and land regions of the new model.

A model calibration was carried out for the pre-industrial climate and model steady-state solutions were compared against available modern-day observations. For the most part, calibration results agree well with observed data, included excellent agreement with ocean carbon species. This serves to demonstrate model utility for dealing with the global carbon cycle. Finally, two idealized experiments were carried out in order to explore model performance. First, we forced the model by varying Ekman transport out of the model Southern Ocean, mimicking the effect of Southern Hemisphere westerly wind variations and second, we imposed freshwater melting pulses from the Antarctic ice sheet on to the model Southern Ocean shelf. Changes in ocean circulation and in the global carbon cycle found in these experiments are reasonable and agree with results for much more complex models. Thus, we find DCESS II to be a useful and computational-friendly tool for simulations of past climates as well as for future Earth System projections.

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Esteban Fernández and Gary Shaffer

Status: open (until 17 Oct 2024)

Comment types: AC – author | RC – referee | CC – community | EC – editor | CEC – chief editor | : Report abuse
  • CEC1: 'Comment on gmd-2024-122', Astrid Kerkweg, 06 Sep 2024 reply
    • AC1: 'Reply on CEC1', Esteban Fernández, 10 Sep 2024 reply
Esteban Fernández and Gary Shaffer
Esteban Fernández and Gary Shaffer


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Short summary
Here we describe, calibrate and test DCESS II, a new, broad, adaptable and fast Earth System Model. DCESS II has been designed for global simulations over time scales of years to millions of years using limited computer resources like a personal computer. With its flexibility and comprehensive treatment of the global carbon cycle, DCESS II should prove to be a useful, computational-friendly tool for simulations of past climates as well as for future Earth System projections.